
Gratitude Continues through Generosity 2024

Make a joyful noise to the Lord (Psalm 100:1)

We are grateful for you and the way in which you have been part of the returning life at St. Luke Lutheran Church. It is not to say that we went anywhere, but COVID drove us into a quieter way of living at 109 Oak Avenue.

However, as we emerge into this new tomorrow, life is living itself joyfully out loud in Collegetown – and St. Luke is part of that joyful noise.

The link below will take you to a devotional booklet Gratitude Continues through Generosity. The booklet contains quotes from members of St. Luke sharing what it is that they are thankful for. The prayers and scripture are meant to help us center ourselves in thankfulnes and generosit as we look towards the annual campaign for 2024.

It is our hope that this is meaningful to you.

Laura, Lauren, and Pr. Jason

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