Forum @
A new take on Adult Forum
Forum @ will happen once a month, typically the first Sunday of the month (unless otherwise noted). Forum@ will not just be for adults. It will include intergenerational options, Forum @ Kids! and Forum @ Teens! along with other opportunities. These events will be offered after worship services on site and via Zoom (11:30am). Each topic is self-contained, which means you do not have to come to the previous forum to appreciate or participate in the next. The topics discussed are varied and will help grow our spiritual, theological, and personal lives.
The Forum @ programing will follow the academic schedule running from August to May (with May being replaced by the congregation’s annual meeting).

Forum @ Kids!
Kids ages 4-12 share in their own Forum @ on the first Sunday of each month (unless otherwise indicated). Share in hands-on Bible lessons that include science experiments, art activities, simple food preparation, service projects, drama, games, songs and more. Learn about important people in Church history.
Parents and guardians may attend Forum @ or “stay and play.”