Children and Worship at St. Luke…St. Luke Prayground
Consecrated by the children and Pastor Laurie at her farewell service on February 12, 2023, the St. Luke Prayground stands as the congregation’s commitment to the formation of our youth and their families. In the front of the sanctuary (with a side door for an easy and quick escape to the restrooms or for parents with small children), the Prayground offers a space for kids to occupy themselves during worship. Close enough to see the action on the chancel, but not separated from the heart of the assembly. Chairs for parents with infants are available, and all are encouraged to help support our youngest members in their faith journey – just as children support the adults in theirs.

Children and Youth Library
Using the curriculum, Teaching Cultural Compassion, our children and youth encounter secular story books read alongside the text from the lectionary. The design helps them make connections between the world outside the doors of the church while developing a deep faith in Christ.
From the website Teaching Cultural Compassion:
Cultural competence refers to the ability to honor and respect the beliefs, language, interpersonal styles and behaviors of individuals and families.*
Cultural Compassion refers to the first step of this process. Before we can truly learn and honor about cultures outside our own, we must first learn to see all humans with dignity and respect. Cultural Compassion is the step we can teach our children to allow for their growth into cultural competence.
The vision of Teaching Cultural Compassion is that all children know their worth and the innate dignity of all humans; that they know anyone can be the hero of the story.
The mission of Teaching Cultural Compassion is to give confidence to kids and their adults through recommendations of representative picture books and resources to connect the books to their lives and faith.