As our LEAD journey continues this year through engagement with the community, St. Luke will be hosting a Mutual Aid of Tompkins County Food Cabinet.

Our cabinet, to be placed in front of the church, will provide our neighbors with non-perishable items. As we know, food security is a challenge for many in the Collegetown community, including students at Cornell. St. Luke’s Food Cabinet can help us extend our mission into the community by providing critical support for those in need.

Consider participating in this LEAD experiment by donating non-perishable and shelf stable food items (pasta, beans, peanut butter, rice, etc.) and personal care and household goods (toilet paper, paper towels, feminine articles and pet food).

LEAD will be organizing a pantry to collect items and volunteers will stock and maintain the cabinet. This Food Cabinet is part of a larger food security mission at St. Luke, and we invite your continued support of our partnership with the Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard initiative.

Together, these food ministries extend our table to others outside our walls to share the Truth of God’s unconditional love.